The Man, The Myth, The Legend!

Kyle Pursley has helped Businesses around the world with their marketing and sales. With an end result of 6 – 7 Figures in a matter of months. He is now inspiring Ambitious People and Successful Entrepreneurs to get to the next level.



When I was in High School I was an athlete who played Soccer and traveled the world to play in Europe and with teams around the world like teams in Brazil, Columbia, Canada, England etc. In my High school years I went through depression and numbing my pain with drugs, alcohol, girls partying. Went to college to play soccer and my depression got way worse. I almost killed myself a number of times. I finished the season but dropped out soon after the season was over due to lack of focus and vision.

I went Minnesota from Louisville Kentucky for a year to learn about who I was and what I wanted to do. During this process I learned and practiced the basic principles of life and business. I failed at 4 businesses before having my first success. Long story short I got off drugs and learned that I was burned out playing soccer and I was actually doing things to please other people along with being surrounded with the wrong people. So I started going back to church like when I was a kid (no judgement here) and found a love for Mixed Martial Arts, Entrepreneurship, while making better relationships with the “right” people to propel me forward. Knowing what I wanted to do, gave me Focus and a Very Powerful Vision to impact others to get out of depression and do things for yourself instead of other people.

The Future Shark of Sales and Marketing

Kyle Pursley is known for actually taking the time to build relationships with you and your business but also finding a Distinguished Sales and Marketing Process for your business that will separate you from the rest of Your competitors.

Kyle Pursley has consulted with many business owners specializing in the fitness industry and has taken businesses from 5 figures to 6 figures and as time goes on he will be reaching 7 figures as well.

Kyle Pursley is always in for the long term with his business relationships and ESPECIALLY business growth. He has an article published in Future Sharks HERE

The Master of Creating Experts in the Digital Marketing and Sales Space

While Kyle continues to grow his Agency, his primary focus is on helping other people grow their expertise in Digital Marketing and High Ticketed Sales to live a more sustainable and leveraged business and lifestyle through consulting businesses online marketing and sales.

Over the past 7 years Kyle has helped countless individuals with selling and marketing from brick an mortar businesses to online businesses. Having a result of helping individuals make an extra $1000.00 to $10,000 a month in their pocket.

Kyle is the founder of Kyle Pursley Mentorship Team where we are teaching ambitious people or already successful people with learning how to get businesses to pay you from 1k-10k a month in doing their digital marketing or helping businesses make an extra 6 figures to their business.

Mixed Martial Arts

Kyle Pursley Trains Mixed Martial Arts: He trains mostly in Jiu-Jitsu and has competed at Arnold Classic, Midwest Nationals, National American Grappling Association (NAGA), American Grappling Challenge. He also trains in Boxing, Muay Thai, and Wrestling. Just like everything else he is in it for the long term and after building a good foundation he plans to compete in MMA.

Married 05-30-20

This is my wife Courtney. We got married after 3.5 years of being together…

We love to travel and try new things. in the first 6 months we were dating we traveled all over Italy and Spain and cannot wait to travel even more overseas. Mean while we travel here in the states to take care of that edge until we can leave again lol.

We like Theme Parks, Working Out, Art, Fashion, Museums, FOOD, (she loves make-up on a whole different level almost drives me crazy lol) Walks in the Park, and anything that gets us out of our comfort zone for the most part.

How Can We Help You Generate More Revenue in Your Business?

Learn, Adapt, Execute, Overcome is Our Way to Generate You More Revenue to Your Business…

Digital Marketing Services

Where you hire our team to execute a digital marketing campaign to generate more revenue in your business.


Where you hire Kyle for more clarity, confidence,
and direction to generate more revenue in your business.

Do It Yourself

Where you can invest in your business expertise my learning at your own pace to generate more revenue to your business: