Do not be afraid to go in the red sort of speak to acquire a customer.
Asses the lifetime value of a customer then learn how much it costs for you to acquire a customer. (in this process you can test things on paid ads to get that cost lower.)
While you are trying to find that data to see how much it costs to acquire a customer. You are actually investing in a system to scale up or down whenever you need to.
For example, Gym that charges a member $100 a month and the members, lifetime value is $1200 ($100 per month by 12 months)
It costs them to acquire a gym lead $10 each then close 1 out 4 leads means that it costs them $40 to generate a new member. It seems really simple right?… $40 in a month make $60 that month but for the months to come will be all profit.
Here is the catch they invested in systems first Branding, Marketing, Sales, and Leadership systems.
They found out what works vs what does not work and that is what you are doing when you being marketing online or even traditional marketing methods…
How much does it cost you to generate 1 customer? Let us know in the comments